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The total cost of driving from Saint Paul, MN to Isanti, MN (one-way) is $5.86 at current gas prices.
The round trip cost would be $11.71 to go from Saint Paul, MN to Isanti, MN and back to Saint Paul, MN again.
Regular fuel costs are around $3.33 per gallon for your trip. This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving.
All currency units are U.S. Dollars. If you prefer international units, the equivalent petrol pump price is 87.9 cents/litre. This assumes a typical fuel economy of 9.4 L/100 km.
You'll go through 1.8 gallons of gas during this trip. This is equal to 6.7 litres.
If you fill your tank with unleaded gasoline, the carbon emissions will be around 34 lbs CO2. This is equivalent to 16 kg CO2e or 0.02 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. These numbers may change depending on the exact make and model of your car. If your vehicle uses diesel instead, the CO2 emissions will be around 40 lbs CO2, which is equivalent to 18 kg CO2e or 0.02 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents.
These results are based on the actual driving distance from Saint Paul, MN to Isanti, MN, which is 44 miles or 71 kilometers.
Your trip begins in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The price of regular gas is currently averaging $3.33 in Minnesota.
Your trip ends in Isanti, Minnesota. The price of regular gas is around $3.33 in Minnesota.
Currently, we only have exact data for locations in the United States. To improve the accuracy of your fuel cost estimate, you can enter the actual price you pay for gas or petrol at the local pump in the table above.
The following chart displays the difference in total cost of driving given varying fuel grades. If your car requires higher octane gas, you can find out how much more it will cost you to drive between Saint Paul, MN and Isanti, MN.
Fuel grade | Avg Price | Trip Cost |
Regular | $3.33 | $5.86 |
Mid-Grade | $3.73 | $6.56 |
Premium | $4.13 | $7.27 |
Diesel | $3.61 | $6.36 |